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Types Of Noses? What Do They Say About You?

Plastic Surgery 2024-07-24 13:34:06

The nose is one of the most prominent body parts for face aesthetics. Since it is one of the first features we pay attention to in a person’s face, the nose plays a significant role in the first impression we leave on a person. Even though nose shape is nothing but an aesthetic detail for some, there is a physiognomic belief that a person's nose might tell a lot about their characteristics.

You can keep reading this post to learn about physiognomy and what different nose types can tell about a person.

What is Physiognomy?

Before talking about what different nose shapes can tell about a person's characteristics, it is essential to know what physiognomy is.

Physiognomy is the science of guessing people's characteristics by looking at their faces. The concept advocates that eyes, nose, face shape and other physical features might tell what a person is like.

The history of physiognomy goes back to Ancient Greece, where Aristotle wrote about how small-faced people are trustworthy or round-faced are brave, and Pythagoras accepted students by looking at their faces. The first person to use the term "physiognomy" was the 17th-century Italian scholar Giambattista della Porta, who wrote a book on the topic.

Can My Nose Type Affect Rhinoplasty Surgery?

In general, no, a person’s nose type does not directly affect rhinoplasty surgery. Nevertheless, some noses might require surgical operation more than others.

In some cases, such an operation becomes necessary due to health reasons. For example, crooked or bulged noses might leave the nose closed, causing a person to have difficulty breathing. And in such a situation, a surgical operation to change the nose shape might be necessary.

What Can Your Nose Tell About You?

Roman/Aquiline Nose

Roman or Aquiline nose is a nose type that has a visible bridge and a curvy look. It is thought that people with this nose type usually have strong personality and are ambitious.

The aquiline nose is usually related to leadership and rationality. Julius Caesar and other prominent leaders are often depicted with an Aquiline nose.

Patients who have an aquiline nose often prefer having the tip of their noses improved and the dorsal humps on the nasal bridge removed.

Nubian Nose

The Nubian nose is a nose type that has a wide base. This nose type is usually associated with charisma and attractiveness. It is believed that people with Nubian noses are inherently good family persons and successful at politics - it is not surprising that former US president Barack Obama, who has a Nubian nose, is known as a good leader and a family man.

Patients with Nubian noses usually want the width of the nose reduced through a surgical operation.

Straight Nose

A straight nose or Greek nose is small and has a straight arch. People with Greek noses are usually considered attractive and tolerant people. Since this nose type is also associated with trustworthiness, those with a Greek nose are thought to be good at keeping secrets.

Although the Greek nose is seen as an ideal nose shape, those with slightly bigger noses might undergo an operation to reduce the height of the nasal tip.

Crooked Nose

People with crooked noses usually stand out due to their characteristic appearance. This unique nose type gives its owner a confident and steadfast look. Crooked noses may indicate that a person is a good listener and has a minimalistic approach to life.

As crooked nose correction is complex, some surgeons might not agree to perform such an operation. Therefore, a person who wants to have their crooked nose corrected may need to find an expert who regularly performs reconstructive rhinoplasty.

Fleshy Nose

A fleshy nose might show a person is a fast and sharp thinker. They might be good at saving - and making - money. Fleshy-nosed people are usually great at running businesses. Nevertheless, being good with money is not their only characteristic; they can also be kind, sensitive and emotional people who focus on the positive things in life. A person with a fleshy nose will want the best for their families and loved ones.

People often undergo rhinoplasty surgery to narrow the tip and the sides of their fleshy nose to improve tip definition.

Button/Celestial Nose

As the name implies, a button or celestial nose is usually considered the ideal nose type. People with button noses are sweet and kind; they might be determined and spontaneous at the same time. They are also often positive when they face difficulties, which is one of their biggest strengths.

As the celestial nose type has a desired shape, people usually do not undergo rhinoplasty. However, if the patient's nose is excessively upward, they may choose to correct it.

Hawk Nose

Hawk nose is another nose type often associated with leadership and good businessmanship. People who have this nose type are usually independent and ambitious. Since they usually think about themselves and their gains first, they might come as selfish sometimes.

Those who have a hawk nose and want to change their nose shape might have an operation to straighten the nose and smoothen the nasal outline.

Small/Snub Nose

People with small noses are sociable and are good at team play. They are usually the most noticeable in social settings due to their lively energy. It is also worth noting that small noses are often associated with affection; that's why they might always be on the lookout for people in distress to help.

Although most people with small noses do not prefer rhinoplasty, surgery may be performed to lower the nasal tip and enhance the length of the nose.

Big Nose

People with big noses are natural administrators. They usually do not like to work for someone else and prefer to have their own businesses. As a big nose is associated with strength and ego, people with this nose type might always like to be at the centre of attention. Even though they are good leaders, big-nosed people usually get bored easily and despise doing repetitive tasks.

People with big noses can undergo operations to narrow the nasal bridge, reduce the base and refine the nasal tip.